If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Memory Lane

This is from Jean, who got it from Tambo.

20 years ago:

April, 1986, I was here in Illinois, in Rantoul for technical training. I'd been in the Air Force a grand total of three months. I've blocked out most of that experience now; I don't like the person I was then. I had a lot of growing up to do and no idea that it needed doing!

10 years ago:

April, 1996, we were in Goldsboro, North Carolina. I was working for a stock broker part time, putting together seminars at that point. I think I was also still the director for the A-Day-Away program at our church. Later I quit the job at the church to accept a full time job with the broker. That was the job that taught me I really shouldn't be working full time before the kids are grown and gone. Our lives are much more stressful when both Eric and I are 9-5'ing.

5 years ago:

April, 2001, we were in Del Rio, Texas. Thank goodness we found a good church early on, or I don't know what I would have done. I had culture shock like I'd never had to that point, and I hadn't left the U.S.

1 year ago:

We were packing up non-essentials in preparation for the move we made in June.

1 month ago:

I was gearing up to go to Rendezvous, not knowing that I was staring Oz in the face.


I worked the quietest bridal shower ever. Showers can get a little rowdy sometimes, but this was a group of about 15, and after the games were done we hardly heard a peep out of them. Tips were great!


I baked bread because I felt like it.


I get to go to the dentist and clean the house.

In the next minute I am tagging:

Anybody who feels like exploring this walk down memory lane.


Blogger Jean said...

"I had a lot of growing up to do and no idea that it needed doing!"

Amazing observation.

4:08 PM  

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