The good kind:
Trans-Siberian Orchestra's newest release, "The Lost Christmas Eve." By now hopefully you've seen the video of the Christmas lights synchronized to "Wizards In Winter," which is the 4th track on the new CD. I saw the video (which I can't find now, or I'd link it here; go to the website and you can hear a clip), and it became my mission to find the CD with that song. Eric gets the prize--he bought the new one plus three or four others. "Wizards In Winter" is my favorite, but most of the others are good, too.
The bad kind: The Freshman year of high school. It's harder from the parental end. Trust me on this. We've all had a 'come to Jesus' year, and I haven't talked to teachers on such a regular basis since I worked with them. No doubt his teachers will be happy when summer comes because they won't have me ambushing them during their conference periods! It's very frustrating, and it's going to be a LONG Christmas break...