This sums it up
Haole Barb has hit the nail on the head. I'm better off topically applying HolidayChristmas confections; it’s messy and generates laundry, but it comes off easier!
We start Christmas break next week, and I, for one, will be very happy when it gets here. I didn't realize until I worked at a school that teachers look forward to long breaks more than the kids do! I thought it was just me that needed those breaks, even though I have only ever had two students. (Except the week I subbed in the 2nd and 3rd grade class in Verona. That was the week from Hell!)
We don't have a lot planned for our break. We'll have grandparents here for a chunk of it, which will be fun. I'm tentatively planning to read a couple of books and work on the house. We mostly need the R&R, and if the weather is nice maybe we'll go do something in St. Louis.
Or maybe we'll just stay home and let the kids ride their bikes. I'll be sure to post pictures of that little escapade!