Another room done
I just finished the second coat of paint in my bedroom, which means I'm speckled with Muted Gold. I suspect it's going to take a long shower to keep me from wearing paint to church tomorrow.
I heard from Jean; she's battened down the hatches and watching to see how much strength Dennis picks up as he crosses the Gulf.
I think I'm glad to be switching over here. Already the blog looks better, and I have comments enabled! To think, someone might actually leave me a comment from time to time! No, that's not a hint...
I'm in hopes that we'll have a server going within a month so that I can get Dragonsroost up and running again. It's going to take some parts replacement to get the machine up and running again, and I'm also going to do a redesign. I'm not limited by a Mac server anymore, so I can go back to Frontpage or some other HTML editor. Netscape was ok, but too vanilla. Or maybe I just don't know what I'm doing. That's entirely possible.