If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I just looked over the last couple of entries

I did indeed mail the manuscript on Tuesday. I solved a big chunk of the season hopping by changing the Spring Solstice to a harvest festival. After that, it was mostly mopping up. I was too close to see it at the time--I'd been working on the thing for about five hours at that point. I got most of the bugs worked out, but I'm still looking for one scene I accidentally deleted. I've searched two computers and three flash drives to no avail, so if Scott doesn't have it (and he should--he wrote it) I'll just re-write it. He's supposed to be here in a couple of weeks to hash out the rest.

Today I worked a couple of hours on character development for a new project. Tomorrow it's on to the Rogue Pawn edit. I still have to finish Collateral Casualties, too.

Other than that, we're plugging along. I've got one rain barrel installed and one left to go. I'm getting ready to start planting spring crops; potatoes and lettuce will go in next week. My tomato seedlings are still alive. The weather is finally warming up and I'm in the market for a good deal on a bike to ride to work. Gas is getting ridiculous, and work is only two miles away. The exercise surely won't hurt!

That's pretty much all the news that's fit to print. What's new where you are?

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Blogger Jean said...

Congrats on getting the manuscript mailed out.

Rain barrels? I've been thinking about getting some and installing them to catch garage roof runoff. Do you have good sources of information about them?

8:08 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

I mainly looked at gardening websites and motherearth.com. It was really my garden that made me start research. I kept everything watered last summer, but when it rained, everything just exploded. I ordered mine on Ebay, and since the seller was only a couple hundred miles from here, I saved the shipping and went to get them. They weren't pretty--just black plastic--but I spray painted them. His prices were low enough that even factoring in paint and gas, I still saved money. Really, even with shipping his prices were at least $40 less than the nearest competitor. I can send you the seller info if you're interested, and if you tell him I sent you, you'll get the discount I got.

8:44 AM  

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