If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Stretchin' it

I've been verbally observing (ok, whining) about how, despite the fact that I'm watching my diet*, exercising more than I ever have in my life, and seeing my body tone, I can't get my pants on.

(Did you hear that "woo hoo!!!!"? That was Eric.)

I don't have this problem with all of my pants; just my dress pants. The ones I wore all the time when I worked at Bath and Body Works. The ones that were washed often and dried in the dryer with the funky thermostat.

It took me a long time to figure out that it wasn't all me.

Finally, Eric (who evidently got tired of my verbal observations) suggested that I wash them again, stretch them and hang them to dry. I figured anything was worth a try. I like shopping as much as the next girl, but I can't afford to replace a third of my wardrobe.

It seems to have worked, but not as much as I would like. I might have to do some of them again.


Thank goodness it's not all me.

* I AM! I watch everything that goes into my mouth. I'm on the "See Food" diet.


Blogger Valerie Comer said...

I wish I could blame things on my dryer. Can I pretend, just for a bit, that it's NOT because I've been lazy and gluttenous? Nope, better not, because I've been working hard on new habits the past few weeks. Haven't seen any real results yet, but...I'm hopeful.

11:25 PM  

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