If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always had.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

2YN or not 2YN?

Zette at Forward Motion has taught a Two Year Novel Course, in which students write a novel from the ground up, following her guidance, from concept to submission. I signed up for the first one, which started in 2004, and learned a lot from it. The following summer we moved back to the States from Italy, I fell behind, and dropped out. She is offering it again this year, and I debated whether or not to try again.

I ran across my notes from the last time I took it. There is a lot of good information, a lot of which I can use right now. Finally I decided, since we have no moves projected in the next two years, to take the plunge. It should be interesting, and I already have a couple of ideas brewing for what I want to work on.

In the more immediate future, I am going back over some world building material to make sure I haven't missed anything big with Rogue Pawn before I do the final revision and synopsis. I also need to finish Peace Like A River. To try for more consistency with my writing, I have blocked out an hour between 3 and 4, Monday through Friday, for writing. It's not enough time if I want to go pro, but it's a start. I've learned this year that I have to start small and work up to big.

Took me long enough.


Blogger Valerie Comer said...

WooHoo! I'll see you there!

9:02 PM  

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